Features and Services

Future-proof Development

Build programs that can run your business automations long into the future. People and technologies come and go, but your business automations should be solid and stable.

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Library of Programs

Browse our library of programs. Build your own using our programming technology.

Library of Programs

Use the progsbase command line client to access all functionality of progsbase.

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Industrial Cases

A barcode
Timeless automations in an ILS Localiser Simulator

Nordic Air Navigation Consulting (NANCO) has developed a wide range of computations related to an Airport's Instrument Landing System (ILS).

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A barcode
A Timeless, Lightweight Barcode Component

A company that ships large amount of physical products developed a timeless barcode component.

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The Full Story

Read the full story of how the progsbase technology enables future-proof development for all IT business automations.

Get the Book

Learn how to utilize progsbase by reading the in-depth documentation.

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Business Plan
Private Repositories

Manage private repositories in the progsbase repository system by subscribing to the business plan.

See Prices


Interview on Developer Voices
Computer Building Blocks
Load Balancing - The Essentials
Contact Information

We would be more than happy to help you. Our opening hours are 9–15 (CET).

[email protected]

📞 (+47) 93 68 22 77

Nils Bays vei 50, 0876 Oslo, Norway

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